English's Exercise 5

Choose the right answer below !
1. He gave.........a book yesterday.
    a, I
    b, me
    c. mine
    d. my
2. This book is.......
    a. I
    b. me
    c. mine
    d. my
3. .......friend is smarter than me.
    a. I
    b. me
    d. my
4. .....am happy  because you are beside me now.
    a. I
    b. me
    c. mine
    d. my
5. That book is the book of......
    a. I
    b. me
    c. mine
    d. my


English's Exercise 4

Choose the right answer below !
1. I want............a doctor.
    a. to
    b. be
    c. to be
2. ......careful in driving your car in the street !
    a. to
    b. be
    c. to be
3. .........a doctor is my hope.
    a. be
    b. to be
    c. being
4. It is very useful......read Qur'an in Ramadhan.
    a. to
    b. to be
    c. being
5. ......lazy, he don't pass his exam.
    a. to
    b. to be
    c. being

English's Exercise 3

Choose the right answer below!
1. The two girls are alike in style, but not in attitude.
     a. like
     b. alike
     c. likely
2. He is.........my son.
     a. like
     b. alike
     c. likely
3. He is........go home alone.
     a. like
     b. alike
     c. likely
4. I.......to go with you.
     a. like
     b. alike
     c. likely
5. He look.........a teacher of mine.
     a. like
     b. alike
     c. likely

English's Exercise 2

Choose the right answer below !
1. I..........happy today.
    a. am
    b. is
    c. are
2. One of my friends........my brother.
    a. am
    b. is
    c. are
3. you........very beautiful.
    a. am
    b. is
    c. are
4. Everyone here.......very kind to me.
    a. am
    b. is
    c. are
5. It.......difficult to understand the other person.
    a. am
    b. is
    c. are

English's Exercise 1

Choose the right answer below :
1. I'm............teacher.
    a. a
    b. an
    c. the
2. There is......interesting story's book in my bag.
    a. a
    b. an
    c. the
3. That is........useful dictionary to read.
    a. a
    b. an
    c. the
4. This is.......book of Ahmad.
    a. a
    b. an
    c. the
5. ......Garut people is very friendly.
    a. a
    b. an
    c. the